Once we get the facts straight, our lives get a new perspective
For some people, the idea of God giving any kind of explanation sounds not only absurd but also disrespectful. After all, being God, He is infinitely superior to His creation. However, the Bible presents us a friendly, kind, approachable and gracious God who intervenes in history and takes the initiative to reach out to His creatures. He wants us to know why this world is the way it is and what lies ahead in the future.

Do yourself a favor.Explore this site and its many resources. It would not only give you a clear insight about what is going on here and now, but also it will give you certainty about the glorious future God has for those who trust Him.
Keep in mind that ultimate satisfaction, joy and happiness, are part of God’s plan for us. Don’t miss it!
((*) “Garden of Eden, “Gan Eden” in the original language. The term Eden means lovely, delightful, pleasant, charming. It’s not a surprise that often it’s translated as paradise.